This is an entry level mini course that takes you through a series of IC related reverse engineering / security tasks. You will practice decapping some samples and then use them in later sections to execute attacks and try other techniques. There are options for both chemical based on chemical free decap/security analysis.
Suggested equipment:
Things to add:
Chip background
Die photo
Bond wires: usually aluminum
No direct way to verify security set. Secure reads as FF
IIRC BP does not continuity check
These labs were written with 8751H in mind, although other 8751 variations should also work
Microchip PIC16C57
Die photo
PDIP bond wires: gold
These can also be bought as CDIPs for development
This lab was written with PIC16C57 in mind, although PIC16C57C may work just as well
Microchip PIC16F558
Die photo: TODO grab from flylogic blog
Bond wires: copper
Unit 1: decapsulation
U1L1: CERDIP glass frit
Select an Intel D8751H (glass frit)
If necessary, UV erase
Program with a counting test pattern
If applicable: verify no continuity errors
Verify expected pattern
U1L2: CERDIP brazed
Select an Intel C8751 (brazed lid)
If necessary, UV erase
Program with a counting test pattern
If applicable: verify no continuity errors
Verify expected pattern
U1L3: PDIP gold bond
Select a Microchip PIC16C57/P (PDIP)
Program with a counting test pattern
Note: “OTP” device (can be UV erased after decap)
If applicable: verify no continuity errors
Verify expected pattern
U1L4: PDIP copper bond
Select a Microchip PIC16F558
Program with a counting test pattern
If applicable: verify no continuity errors
Verify expected pattern
Unit 2: UV attacks
U2L1: basic UV attack
Select either of the following:
If not already done so, decap the chip
Quick security evaluation
Program with all 0's and secure it
UV erase the chip (30 min?)
Verify that the chip is no longer secure and is filled with FF
Put the die under a microscope (inspection is fine) and identify the EPROM and SRAM regions
SRAM has a rougher texture
EPROM has a smoother texture
TODO: this page needs polishing / cleanup
UV erase for 30 minutes
Readback pattern
Verify security fuse is clear
If not, use acetone to clean mask and try again
Verify pattern was not corrupted
If it is, consider making the mask larger
Extra credit: no corruption
Use a pattern of all 0's and secure the device
Execute above attack
Read back the device
Verify device still shows all 0's
Extra credit: find the fuse
Experiment with different masks outside of the EPROM area to narrow down the fuse location
Alternatively, look at the fuse under a microscope
U2L2: angled UV attack
Select either of the following:
Microchip PIC18F1320
Microchip PIC16C74
Quick security evaluation
Program with all 0's and secure it
UV erase the chip for 60 min
Observe chip status. It should still be secure or maybe even bricked
Place a chip at a 30 degree angle
UV erase for 60 min
Check security status
If security fuse is not clear, try adjusting angle and re-erasing
Extra credit: dump the firmware
Do above, but apply masks
Verify no bits are erased despite erasing at an angle
U2L3: flash UV attack
TODO: what would be a good choice here?
Unit 3: optical glitching
U3L1: static glitch
Select either of the following:
Select laser
Green 5 mW laser pointer will likely work well
Put programmer in a read loop
Ex: using Linux minipro command line
Shine randomly across the die and observe responses
You should see the read result get corrupted sometime
You will possibly see a firmware dump, but don't expect it
Put programmer under microscope
Aim laser pointer at exposed die using helping hands or similar
Slowly move chip around (using hands or XY stage) and observe responses as you move it around
Scan across the chip until you find a vulnerable area
Extra credit: automated XY scan
Use a motorized XY scan to read out all chip locations and automatically find vulnerable locations
U3L2: dynamic glitch
Unit 4: power glitching
Unit 5: microprobing
Start with basic probing in U3L1. Then find a way to remove passivation:
U3L1: pads
Probe pads / bond wires to get basic familiarity with your probe
TODO: is there a well known device we could activate a debug port on?
U3L2: laser remove passivation
Professional / recommended solution but may not be accessible to all students
U3L3: HF remove passivation
Untested, but I think I can make this work
U3L4: scratch remove passivation
Use needle to scratch off passivation as noted by…Sergei I think?
U3L5: ultrasonic remove passivation
If you have one or maybe build one