Images below are taken by Dmitry “InfoSecDJ” Janushkevich.
Unless otherwise noted, images below are copyright “InfoSecDJ, CC BY-SA 4.0”
My current imaging setup is built around a hacked and motorized AmScope ME580T. Consequently, I can do brightfield imaging only. Optics list:
Always accepting sample donations!
I am happy to do some work for you:
The default package is, I do imaging top metal at 20x, decapping and/or deprocessing would obviously require more work and consume more material.
If decapping is required, please bear in mind that it may result in damage/destruction of samples despite trying my best; providing multiple samples is highly desirable. Decapping different package types:
Hobby/public projects are done for free; a small donation is always highly appreciated to cover material costs and wear&tear. You will have to cover shipping costs, including shipping samples back if so desired; I am EU-based so things might be simpler/faster/cheaper if you are as well.
At this moment, I cannot offer commercial work, and I won't do anything I deem legally challenging e.g. pay-TV, smartcards, DRM, crypto.
By default, I retain copyright and will publish the images on this site.
If you have something that might be interesting, don't hesitate to get in touch via: