“Today’s entry is an old memory chip from Mitsubishi, the M5K4164. This is another chip submitted by a reader, again, all the way from Iceland.”

Source: http://microblog.routed.net/2008/07/18/ic-friday-mitsubishi-m5k4164/



m5-100x-01.jpg m5-100x-02.jpg m5-100x-03.jpg m5-10x-01.jpg m5-10x-02.jpg m5-10x-03.jpg m5-10x-04.jpg m5-10x-main.jpg m5-40x-01.jpg m5-40x-02.jpg m5-40x-03.jpg m5-60x-01.jpg m5-60x-02.jpg m5-60x-03.jpg

nico/mitsubishi/m5k4164.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/22 06:13 by mcmaster
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