
pr0ntools can be found at https://github.com/JohnDMcMaster/pr0ntools/

I also published a copy via PyPi for the heck of it but its probably out of date.

Image stitching

See Tutorial

pr0ntools has the following toolchain for image stitching:

  • pr0nstitch: take in a list of .jpg's and an output .pto to produce a .pto with control points (features) between them. Expects row and col tagged images in. This makes stitching more accurate and much faster since the problem goes from O(n**2) to find control points to O(n) with large hints as to where it should be looking
  • pr0nts: stitch an already optimized .pto file into tiles
  • pr0nmap: create a Google Maps image from already existing tiles
  • pr0npto: utilities to take care of some intermediate steps
pr0ntools/start.txt · Last modified: 2016/09/08 11:57 by mcmaster
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