ESS ES1989S Allegro motherboard sound controller.

Looks like 350 nm 3-metal or so and appears to be the same process as the Silicon Image SII164 although so far it's not known which fab this is.

The number for a 1977 patent on speech synthesis is marked on the top of the package.



  (ESS logo)
  Allegro (TM)
  ES1989S L510
  (P)4,214,125 (C)


Size is approximately 5360 x 4040 μm (21.65 mm2)


Logo/markings. Looks like 3 metal layers since there's 3 via masks.

Random logic

azonenberg/ess/es1988uj.txt · Last modified: 2015/01/04 22:50 (external edit)
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