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mcmaster:xilinx:xc3090 [2012/06/24 00:58]
mcmaster [Map]
mcmaster:xilinx:xc3090 [2023/02/16 10:17] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{tag>collection_jm}} +{{tag>collection_mcmaster vendor_xilinx year_1988 type_logic type_logic/programmable type_logic/programmable/fpga foundry_seiko foundry_yamaha tech_800nm tech_600nm}}
-{{tag>vendor_xilinx}} +
 +Not sure which process generation.
-====== Map ======+====== Package ======
-Top metalhttp://siliconpr0n.org/map/xilinx/xc3090/top_metal__mit10x/+{{:mcmaster:xilinx:xc3090:package_top.jpg?300|}} 
 +====== Map ======
-====== Package ======+Top metal: http://siliconpr0n.org/map/xilinx/xc3090/mcmaster_mz__mit10x/
mcmaster/xilinx/xc3090.1340499532.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/22 05:38 (external edit)
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