====== Quiz title ====== Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. Quiz intro text. * Question 1 description (multi answers - checkbox) - choice 1 <-- choice 1 - .... - choice N <-- choice N * [1|2] <-- right answers (one or more, | delimited) * (10) <-- score * explanation <-- optional changed one more explanation? Did this show up? * Question 2 description (single answer - radio) - choice 1 <-- choice 1 - .... - choice M <-- choice M * [2] <-- right answer (from 1 to M) * (5) <-- score * explanation <-- optional changed two * What if its as a subpoint? * Question 3 description (single answer - text) * [Pippo] <-- right answer * (20) <-- score * explanation <-- optional changed three ===== min1-max1 ===== <-- optional Explanation for score in the range [min1,max1] ===== min2-max2 ===== <-- optional Explanation for score in the rangen [min2,max2] .... ===== minN-maxN ===== <-- optional Explanation for score in the range [minN,maxN]