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microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind [2014/06/17 07:05] mcmastermicroscope:tech_inst:k2_ind [2018/10/12 04:59] mcmaster
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-This is a very popular confocal module based on the spinning disc design.  They are designed for either of these two microscopes:+The K2 industrial ("K2-IND"is a very popular spinning disk based confocal module.  They are designed for either of these two microscopes:
     * 012-00010-AA: Leitz Ergolux (infinity optics)     * 012-00010-AA: Leitz Ergolux (infinity optics)
     * 012-00010-AB: Nikon IC-66 (210 mm optics)     * 012-00010-AB: Nikon IC-66 (210 mm optics)
-Because it is spinning disc type, you do not need any special electronics and can view the image directly in the eyepiece.  There is a built in sensor that outputs the image to a composite signal at the back BNC connector.+Because it is spinning disc type, you do not need any special electronics and can view the image directly in the eyepiece.  The back BNC connector can be used to sync disk rotation to the video signal (default: sync to input AC).
 Optional "focus finder" attachment evidently does fancy autofocus Optional "focus finder" attachment evidently does fancy autofocus
-====== Markus Kammerstetter unit teardown (Nikon) ======+    * Power: 12 VAC @ 400 mA 
 +    * 20 lbs 
 +    * 6" wide, 4" tall, 16" long
-Images copyright him, released CC-BY+====== Objectives ======
-Setup overview:+JM unit doesn't have objectives.  Based on the manual and eBay unit, these are supposed tou se BD Plan 210 mm objectives w/ M26 thread.
-{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:markus:0.jpg?300}}+According to [[http://www.alanwood.net/photography/olympus/microscope-objectives.html|Allanwood Olympus chart]], some objectives that might be compatible are:
-Internals:+^Vendor ^Series ^Type ^Target microscope ^Threading ^Notes | 
 +|Olympus |NeoPlan |  |BH2 |M25 |  | 
 +|Olympus |LWDMPlan |  |  |RMS |  | 
 +|Olympus |M |  |BH |RMS |  | 
 +|Olympus |MNH |  |  |RMS |  | 
 +|Olympus |MNM |  |  |RMS |  | 
 +|Olympus |MPL |  |  |RMS |  | 
 +|Olympus |MPlan |  |  |RMS |  | 
 +|Olympus |MPLL |  |  |RMS |  | 
 +|Olympus |Neo |  |BH |M25 |  | 
 +|Olympus |NeoPlan |  |BH? |M25 |  |
-{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:markus:5.jpg?300}}{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:markus:1.jpg?300}}{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:markus:2.jpg?300}}{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:markus:3.jpg?300}}{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:markus:4.jpg?300}}+====== Nikon ======
 +System components:
-====== Disposition services (Leitz) ======+^Image ^Vendor ^Part # ^Type ^Description ^Notes | 
 +|{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_nikon:79.jpg?300}} |Nikon |OPTIPHOT-88 |Microscope |Metallurgical, 210 mm optical path length |Below are subcomponents | 
 +|{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_nikon:83.jpg?200}}  \\ {{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_nikon:85.jpg?300}} |Technical Instruments |012-00010-AB |Illuminator |Confocal module |  | 
 +|{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_nikon:92.jpg?300}} |Nikon |LH-M100CB-1 |Lamphouse |  |Takes mercury or xenon bulbs | 
 +|  |Ushio Inc. |USH-102DH |Bulb |"Super-high pressure mercury lamp 100W" |For LH-M100CB-1. [AZ-FL] | 
 +|  |Nikon |? |Bulb |Xeon |For LH-M100CB-1 | 
 +|{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_nikon:94.jpg?150}}  \\ {{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_nikon:82.jpg?200}} |Nikon |HB-10103AF |Power supply |For mercury burner |"FOR 100W SUPER HIGH PRESSURE MERCURY LAMP"  \\ C-SHG1 may also work | 
 +|{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_nikon:87.jpg?300}} |Nikon |BD Plan %%*%% |Objective |210 mm, B/D |  | 
 +|  |Nikon |BD PlanAPo %%*%% |Objective |210 mm, B/D, apochromatic |  |
-The Disposition Services units were very nice eand JM tried very hard to get them.  But after a bidding war, everyone needs to have a "walk away" price…sigh :(  They were nice enough to let me take pictures of them anyway though+===== eBay unit =====
-{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_leitz:96.jpg?300}} +    * 1 BD PlanAPo 100/0.90 Nikon Japan 190093 
-{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_leitz:97.jpg?300}}+    * 1 BD Plan 60/0.80 210/0 Nikon 322933 
 +    * 1 BD Plan 20/0.04 210/0 Nikon 421567 
 +    * 1 BD Plan 10/0.25 210/0 Nikon 321658 
 +    * 1 BD Plan 5/0.1 210/0 Nikon 431584
-K2 ind confocal module: +===== Markus Kammerstetter unit teardown (Nikon) =====
-{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_leitz:98.jpg?300}}+Images copyright him, released CC-BY
-Lamphouse:+"The lamphouse is of type "lh-m100cb-1". In the unit I have there is a 75W XE arc lamp in the lamp housing"
-{{:microscope:tech_inst:k2_ind:ds_leitz:99.jpg?300}}+Setup overview:
-====== Disposition services (Nikon) ======+Description of the setup: 
 +The K2 IND 210mm (Nikon) confocal attachment is mounted on a custom built adjustable microscope stand which includes an ASI XY motorized stage and a linear Z stage.\\ 
 +On the left you can see the stage controller as well as a custom built joystick controller. With the joystick controller, the microscope stages can be\\ 
 +conveniently moved through a regular PC joystick or gamepad (in this case an Xbox gamepad). Besides, the joystick controller passes through stage commands from the PC to the stage.\\ 
 +Below the lamp power supply on the right there is a frequency generator that is connected to the sync input of the K2 IND. Without the frequency generator the spinning disc turned too fast\\ 
 +and caused vibrations that made the acquired image blurry. With the frequency generator, the speed of the spinning disc can be controlled and the vibrations are gone.\\ 
 +On the camera port of the trinocular head we use a 3D printed camera adapter to control the focal length of the camera. On the left of the K2 IND there is an adjustment screw that lets you\\ 
 +set up the internal focus (i.e. you should see the holes of the disc as well as the sample under the microscope clear at the same time). Without the custom 3D printed camera adapter, either\\ 
 +the camera picture or the picture through the binoculars was sharp, but not both at the same time. The camera adapter solves this issue.\\ 
 +For image acquisition an industrial grade DCAM/IIDC FireWire camera is used. On the PC side, the open-source micro-manager software is utilized with a custom written micro-manager camera DeviceAdapter allowing automated stage control, image acquisition, Z-stacking, scripting or integration with software for pattern recognition. 
 +===== Disposition services (Nikon) =====
 Nameplate: Nameplate:
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 Lamp PS: Lamp PS:
 +MODEL HB-10103AF 
 +Nikon corp. 
 +FOR 100W 
 +AC IN 
 +50/60Hz 3.5A 
 +====== Leitz ====== 
 +===== Disposition services (Leitz) ===== 
 +The Disposition Services units were very nice eand JM tried very hard to get them.  But after a bidding war, everyone needs to have a "walk away" price…sigh :(  They were nice enough to let me take pictures of them anyway though 
 +K2 ind confocal module: 
 +====== McMaster systems ====== 
 +[[mcmaster:tech_inst:k2_ind|Main page]] 
 +Trying to restore a pair of heavy duty systems pieced together from industrial auctions 
 ====== References ====== ====== References ======
-    * User manual: [[http://www.techinst.com/pub_docs/manuals/Industrial/K2 Manual.pdf|http://www.techinst.com/pub_docs/manuals/Industrial/K2 Manual.pdf]]+    * User manual: [[http://www.techinst.com/pub_docs/manuals/Industrial/K2|http://www.techinst.com/pub_docs/manuals/Industrial/K2]] Manual.pdf 
 +    * Nikon AZ-FL Epi-Fluoresence Attachment Instructions [AZ-FL]: [[http://www.mvi-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/AZ-FL-AZ100-Epi-Fl-Attachment.pdf|http://www.mvi-inc.com/wp-content/uploads/AZ-FL-AZ100-Epi-Fl-Attachment.pdf]] 
 +    * C-SHG1 manual: [[http://www.techinst.com/pub_docs/manuals/Biological/IM Power Supply.pdf|http://www.techinst.com/pub_docs/manuals/Biological/IM Power Supply.pdf]] 
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