This is an old revision of the document!







Number High level description Claimed by Digitized? Transistor schematic? Functional schematic? Other
1 Unknown
2 Unknown
3 Unknown
4 Unknown
5 Unknown
6 Unknown
7 Unknown
8 Unknown
9 Unknown
10 Unknown
11 Unknown
12 Unknown
13 Unknown
14 ROM / microcode?
15 ROM / microcode?
16 Unknown
17 clock? JM Y Y Half Right half to meaningful high level schematic. Left half to questionable gate level schematic.
18 Unknown
19 Unknown
20 Unknown
21 Unknown
22 Unknown
23 Unknown
25 EEPROM row/col/data?
26 EEPROM row/col/data?
27 EEPROM row/col/data?
28 charge pump caps and switches JM Y Schematic capture
29 charge pump supply diode? JM Y Schematic capture
30 charge pump control? JM Y Schematic capture
31 Unknown
32 Unknown
33 Unknown
34 Unknown
35 Unknown
36 Unknown
37 Unknown
38 Unknown
39 Unknown

Sector analysis

24 - EEPROM cells


The entire EEPROM array (shown below) is known to be 2048 bits.

The array consists of a cell (shown below) tiled 16 wide by 8 high, for 128 copies of the cell. Each cell must thus be 16 bits. Each cell consists of four sub-cells, so each sub-cell is 4 bits.

Detailed analysis

This block contains four EEPROM bits, one per quadrant.

The purple area is active area (doping unknown at this point).

mcmaster/st/24c026.1341602847.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/01/22 05:38 (external edit)
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