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your_first_page [2018/03/14 01:27]
mcmaster [User pages]
your_first_page [2024/09/23 00:39] (current)
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-  * Copy another page as an example+  * Get an admin (usually John McMaster) to create you an account 
 +    * Will need 1) a copyright release 2) how you want to be atrributed 
 +  * Most users should use [[tool:start|import tools]] to quickly create page templates from images 
 +    * You may need to request access 
 +    * Alternatively: copy another page as an example
   * Upload pages and images to your assigned namespace   * Upload pages and images to your assigned namespace
   * Admins will help setup your landing page and possibly your first page   * Admins will help setup your landing page and possibly your first page
-  * Image files talks about sample workflow+  * "Image files" section goes through sample workflow
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     * Some devices may be considered sensitive for various reasons, or you may simply not wish to let the public know that you're studying a certain chip until you've finished your analysis. Pages may be placed in the "protected:" namespace and will only be accessible to logged-in users. The "drm:" namespace is for especially sensitive devices, such as those in DRM/security systems, and is only accessible by admins and trusted security researchers.     * Some devices may be considered sensitive for various reasons, or you may simply not wish to let the public know that you're studying a certain chip until you've finished your analysis. Pages may be placed in the "protected:" namespace and will only be accessible to logged-in users. The "drm:" namespace is for especially sensitive devices, such as those in DRM/security systems, and is only accessible by admins and trusted security researchers.
     * We have some [[:conventions|conventions]] for naming things, please follow these unless you have a good reason not to.     * We have some [[:conventions|conventions]] for naming things, please follow these unless you have a good reason not to.
 +====== Chip pages ======
 +Generally just [[mcmaster:nintendo:f411a|copy another page]] or [[template|use this template]]. Create a new page by navigating to a url and hitting "create this page". A page is deleted by deleting all markup and hitting "save".
 +For example, to create a page for collection "mcmaster", made by ST Microelectronics (abbreviated st by convention), part number 24C02, go to this page: "https://siliconpr0n.org/archive/doku.php?id=mcmaster:st:24c02" and then hit "Create this page"
 +High resolution chip maps must be added manually by mcmaster. Generally, low resolution images (say below 5 MB) should just be added to the pages directly and not map'd. See below for suggested workflow for low resolution images.
 +mcmaster uses [[https://github.com/JohnDMcMaster/pr0ntools/blob/master/stitch/img2doku.sh|this script]] to create a page template based off an image named using the suggested "<vendor>_<id>*.jpg" format
 +====== Image files ======
 +  * Small image (< 5 MB): add to wiki pages
 +    * You must place these in your namespace, ideally in a page specific namespace (see below for details)
 +    * Don't worry too much about file name, but you can use high large imaging naming as guidance if you want
 +    * Import [[tool:start|import tools]] can help with mass upload
 +  * Large images: they should be added with simapper
 +    * See tool page [[tool:start|import tools]]
 +    * You may need to request access from an admin (ie McMaster)
 +    * See [[:conventions|conventions page]] for standard naming of high resolution images
 +Suggested low resolution image workflow:
 +  * Put image in a namespace named after the page
 +  * Ex: for mcmaster:st:24c02
 +  * Edit page mcmaster:st:24c02:s (ie in a separate tab)
 +    * This can be done by copying and pasting the url, including setting up the edit
 +    * Ex: https://siliconpr0n.org/archive/doku.php?id=mcmaster:st:24c02:s&do=edit
 +  * Hit "upload image"
 +  * Upload the image, placing it into the mcmaster:st:24c02 namespace
 +  * Click on it to get markdown for the image
 +  * Cut and paste that into the original page (mcmaster:st:24c02)
 +Please upload photos in JPEG format at quality 90 and use PNG for diagrams. When possible, all images should be captured in a lossless form such as TIFF and converted to JPEG for web purposes. Lossless compression reduces artifacts and makes the images more friendly for machine vision, so the original files should be used for analysis when possible.
 +Images above say 5 MB (say 16 megapixels) should be downsampled before posting in order to prevent the thumbnailer from running out of memory. High-resolution stitches are welcome but we currently do not have an automated interface for uploading map images, please contact an admin if you have one to contribute.
 ====== User pages ====== ====== User pages ======
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 You can, of course, add extra information about yourself if you'd like. Typically this would be a summary of your interests/experience level, what lab facilities you have access to, a link to your personal website, etc. You can, of course, add extra information about yourself if you'd like. Typically this would be a summary of your interests/experience level, what lab facilities you have access to, a link to your personal website, etc.
 ====== Vendor pages ====== ====== Vendor pages ======
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 Additional information which might be useful here is a description of what kind of products the company makes, dates of major events (founded, went out of business, bought/was bought by another company). Additional information which might be useful here is a description of what kind of products the company makes, dates of major events (founded, went out of business, bought/was bought by another company).
-====== Chip pages ====== 
-High resolution chip maps must be added manually by mcmaster. Generally, low resolution images (say below 5 MB) should just be added to the pages directly and not map'd. 
-To be written soon… 
-Use the [[template|template]] 
-TODO: mcmaster uses a script to template most pr0nmap pages. Add a link to it 
-====== Image files ====== 
-  * Upload small images (< 5 MB) to wiki pages 
-  * Submit large images to McMaster to mapify 
-  * See [[:conventions|conventions page]] for standard naming of high resolution images 
-Suggested low resolution image workflow: 
-  * Put image in a namespace named after the page 
-  * Ex: for mcmaster:st:24c02 
-  * Edit page mcmaster:st:24c02:s (ie in a separate tab) 
-    * This can be done by copying and pasting the url, including setting up the edit 
-    * Ex: https://siliconpr0n.org/archive/doku.php?id=mcmaster:st:24c02:s&do=edit 
-  * Hit "upload image" 
-  * Upload the image, placing it into the mcmaster:st:24c02 namespace 
-  * Click on it to get markdown for the image 
-  * Cut and paste that into the original page (mcmaster:st:24c02) 
-Please upload photos in JPEG format at quality 90 and use PNG for diagrams. When possible, all images should be captured in a lossless form such as TIFF and converted to JPEG for web purposes. Lossless compression reduces artifacts and makes the images more friendly for machine vision, so the original files should be used for analysis when possible. 
-Images above say 5 MB (say 16 megapixels) should be downsampled before posting in order to prevent the thumbnailer from running out of memory. High-resolution stitches are welcome but we currently do not have an automated interface for uploading map images, please contact an admin if you have one to contribute. 
-===== Non-microscope images ===== 
-TODO: Come up with naming convention 
-===== SEM images ===== 
-azonenberg's new standard is: foo_01_type_20kV_10kx_9mm.jpg 
-"type" may be "se" for secondary electron or "bse" for backscatter. 
-Magnification should be abbreviated if a multiple of 1000, otherwise written out in full (ex: 3900x, 4kx).+====== Quick add / mass import ======
-Working distance and accelerating voltage should also be specified to aid in interpretation of the image. Typically for high-resolution images one will use the lowest probe current and smallest aperture that give a good signal-to-noise ratio, so this information is often omitted from the filename.+In May 2021 a number of official options were added to quickly add pages
-===== Optical microscope images =====+simapper 
 +  * Upload a conforming file name to the form 
 +  * Template page is created and map is created 
 +  * It's currently possible to mass import using a table, but this is fragile and might get removed
-Images should be named "chipname_number_type_objective.jpg" where "type" is the image type and "objective" is an abbreviation for the objective used.+sipager (file) 
 +  * Upload a conforming file name to the form 
 +  * Template page is created with the image added as a single die photo
-If you've calibrated your microscope against a standard of some sort, please add an overlay with the objective name and a scale bar to your images. (Contact azonenberg if you'd like the GIMP files for our standard overlay, which you can modify for your setup.)+sipager (directory) 
 +  * Currently for admin use only 
 +  * Template page is created 
 +  * All images in directory are added to page 
 +  * Additional information from optional .txt file is added to page 
 +  * Consider .tar version to allow uploading to form
your_first_page.1520990845.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/03/14 01:27 by mcmaster
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