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sidebar [2024/04/22 04:35]
sidebar [2024/05/02 09:24]
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{tag>collection_az year_unknown vendor_microchip vendor_micrel type_interface type_interface/serdes type_interface/serdes/ethernet type_network type_network/ethernet foundry_tsmc tech_65nm}} 
-Tech node info comes from IBIS file "[Source]      Made by TSMC 65nm IBIS model file" 
-TODO: actually decap one :){{https://siliconpr0n.org/map/micrel/ksz9031rnx/single/micrel_ksz9031rnx_azonenberg_mz_mit20x.thumb.jpg}} 
-  * [[https://siliconpr0n.org/map/micrel/ksz9031rnx/single/micrel_ksz9031rnx_azonenberg_mz_mit20x.jpg|Single]] (12317x8766, 24.8946MiB) 
sidebar.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/04/22 04:36 by azonenberg
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