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bpm:start [2015/04/21 04:29] – created mcmasterbpm:start [2015/04/22 07:03] mcmaster
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 +[[socket|Socket main page]]
 +[[programmer|Programmer main page]]
 Project goal: open source tools to drive BP programmers to enable more advanced R&D (ex: raster scan laser to find fuses) Project goal: open source tools to drive BP programmers to enable more advanced R&D (ex: raster scan laser to find fuses)
 Secondary goal: explore options to make high quality legacy parallel port units (ex: BP-1600) usable on modern computers.  One good option might be to RE protocol and network them with a RPi Secondary goal: explore options to make high quality legacy parallel port units (ex: BP-1600) usable on modern computers.  One good option might be to RE protocol and network them with a RPi
 ====== Parallel port ====== ====== Parallel port ======
-EOL notice: http://www3.bpmmicro.com/web/helpandsupport.nsf/WebKeys/BPM-8NTSKL?openDocument+EOL notice: [[http://www3.bpmmicro.com/web/helpandsupport.nsf/WebKeys/BPM-8NTSKL?openDocument|http://www3.bpmmicro.com/web/helpandsupport.nsf/WebKeys/BPM-8NTSKL?openDocument]]
 <code> <code>
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 LN: if that bothers you LN: if that bothers you
 </code> </code>
 +===== VM operation =====
 +Card: StarTech Parallel Card - SPP/EPP/ECP EC1PECPS
 +Without any programmer you get this:
 +Since there is no programmer attached to any LPT or USB port, the software will operate in the demo mode.
 +If you are trying to use a programmer, make sure it is powered up and plugged into a parallel printer port (LPT models) or a USB 2.0 port (USB models).
 +Use the File/Configure command to establish communications with the programmer.
 +Tried to use PCI express parallel port with VMWare.  Got this (BIOS: bidirectional):
 +"programmer site 1 did not respond to reset"
 +VM performance very poor even before launching BP software.  Gave up and went to real windows system
 +Hooked up EC1PECPS to native Windows XP t61 system and wokred fine.
 ====== JM inventory ====== ====== JM inventory ======
 Programmers Programmers
-  * BP-1410 (in the mail) + 
-  * BP-1600+    * BP-1410 (in the mail) 
 +    * BP-1600
 Socket modules Socket modules
-  * SM-DIP40 
-    * And one more coming with the BP-1410 I think 
-  * SM-84UP 
-  * SM32TC 
-  * Custom BGA module 
-  * SM44QC 
-  * SM100TQ 
 +    * SM48D (DIP)
 +      * And one more coming with the BP-1410 I think
 +    * SM-84UP
 +    * SM32TC
 +    * Custom BGA module
 +    * SM44QC
 +    * SM100TQ
 +====== User's Guide / The Engineer's Programmer ======
 +Dying to read it?  Well you probably don't want to:
 +LN: its not super exciting, documents some bpdos stuff and basic setup
 +But feel free to throw out a line if you *really* want it scanned for some bizarre reason
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