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mcmaster:cbm:65ce02 [2014/01/25 16:35]
mcmaster:cbm:65ce02 [2021/05/28 02:34] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{tag>collection_mcmaster vendor_cbm vendor_csg vendor_mos year_1988 foundry_unknown tech_3um}}+NOTE: between photos I changed the gains on my microscope and made some processing improvements (R2 corroded, R1 isn't).  All that aside, they are still different here and there
-Sample courtesy of Andreas Brandmair.  I was told it was from an I/O card, presumably a Commodore A2232 serial port card for the Amiga computer 
-Sample tech [65CE02 microprocessor]:+====== R1 ======
-    * 2 um +{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ce02-r1:pack_top.jpg?300|}}
-    * 2 metal +
-    * CMOS+
-Pin compatible with 6502+{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ce02-r1:die.jpg?300|}}
-====== Package ======+[[65ce02-r1|R1]]
-Label (top): 
-<code> +====== R2 ======
-CSG +
-65CE02-2 +
-(C) (M) (C) CBM 1987, 88 +
-1690 52 +
-</code> +
- +
-Where: +
- +
-    * CSG: Commodore Semiconductor Group +
-    * CBM: Commodore Business Machines +
-    * MOS has fallen out of the loop having been bought by Commodore +
- +
-Label (bottom): +
- +
-<code> +
-HH125907 +
-MP150SG +
-</code> +
- +
-{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:package_top.jpg?300}}{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:package_bottom.jpg?300}}{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:package_die0.jpg?300}}{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:package_die1.jpg?300}}{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:package_die2.jpg?300}} +
- +
- +
-====== Die ====== +
- +
-Approximate size: 4255 x 3719 um +
- +
-Text: +
- +
-<code> +
-4502R2 +
-Option 1 +
-(M) 1988 CBM +
-</code> +
- +
-{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:package_die3.jpg?300}} +
- +
- +
-====== Map ======+
 {{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:die2.jpg?300}} {{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:die2.jpg?300}}
-[[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/top_metal_mit20x/|Top metal @ Mit20x]] +[[65ce02-r2|R2]]
-  * [[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/single/cbm_65ce02_top_metal_mit20x.jpg|Single]] (12509×10688, 53 MB)+
-{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:etch1-13_mit20x.jpg?300|}}+====== About ======
-[[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/etch1-13_mit20x/|Etch 1-13 @ Mit20x]] +Samples courtesy of Andreas Brandmair.
-  * [[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/single/cbm_65ce02_etch1-13_mit20x.jpg|Single]] (12442x10722, 59 MB)+
-{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:etch1-16_mit20x.jpg?300|}}+Tech [65CE02 microprocessor]:
-[[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/etch1-16_mit20x/|Etch 1-16 @ Mit20x]] +    * 2 um 
-  [[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/single/cbm_65ce02_etch1-16_mit20x.jpg|Single]] (12433x10684, 53 MB)+    * 2 metal 
 +    CMOS
-{{:mcmaster:cbm:65ceo2:etch1-25_mit20x.jpg?300|}} +Pin compatible with 6502
- +
-[[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/etch1-25_mit20x/|Etch 1-25 @ Mit20x]] +
-  * [[http://siliconpr0n.org/map/cbm/65ce02/single/cbm_65ce02_etch1-25_mit20x.jpg|Single]] (12416x10696, 45 MB)+
mcmaster/cbm/65ce02.1390667720.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/01/25 16:35 by mcmaster
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