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azonenberg:unknown:lc627b [2013/09/16 14:00]
azonenberg:unknown:lc627b [2015/01/04 22:50]
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{tag>collection_az vendor_unknown year_unknown type_unknown}} 
-Unknown 16-pin bare die found in my lab while imaging backlog. No idea of function, vendor, or original markings. 
-Preliminary analysis: 
-  * 1-metal 1-poly CMOS process 
-  * Large "herringbone" structures are pad drivers 
-  * Pad with trimmed corners is #1 
-  * Pad above it is #16, Vdd 
-  * Pad second from bottom on right is #8, Vss 
-  * Inner ring is Vss 
-  * Outer ring is Vdd 
-  * Best guess so far is loadable 4-bit up/down counter, maybe 74HC or CD4000 series 
azonenberg/unknown/lc627b.txt ยท Last modified: 2015/01/04 22:50 (external edit)
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